The 5 minute Fitness App Called Fitfreaks

The 5 minute Fitness App Called Fitfreaks

Our Fit in 5 fitness app helps us promote fitness to the world

Our team of trainers have devised intensive 5 minute long exercises, intended to specifically target key muscle groups for maximum effectiveness. This high-intensity training results in higher daily metabolic activity and helps you achieve your desired results fast – for only 5 minutes per day. The exercises are simple to perform, do not require any equipment for most of the routines and can be done anywhere! NO MORE EXCUSES.

Can I really get fit with 5 mins of exercise?

It has been said that, “less is more.” Now recent studies are showing that when it comes to keeping fit, less can indeed be more. The concept is called Fit in 5 and is developed by Marvin Ambrosius the world’s number 1 short workout coach. Marvin has created a type of workout routine based on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) where the exercise time is split up into short bursts of intensive exercise followed by rest periods. The idea is to quickly increase your heart rate then to rest for a period. This will suit individuals of all levels of fitness because the amount of Fit in 5 workouts that you do is down to how fit an individual is. As they become fitter, they can vary the exercises in any number of combinations suitable to themselves.

How Fit in 5 Short Bursts of Exercise are very effective

HIIT helps the body reach its maximum capability. This is not something easily achieved by long exercise periods. Short burst of exercise gets the heart rate increased to a higher intensity and stimulates the body in ways that can’t be achieved by ‘regular’ exercising.
Therefore, these exercise periods of short bursts of intense exercise can be done by almost everyone and doesn’t necessarily require special equipment or a gym membership. Instead you can download the Fit Freaks Fit in 5 app and enjoy workouts from the comfort of your own home.

The Health Benefits

More and more studies are showing that there are definite health benefits to high-intensity interval training. Positive results have been shown in those who have type 2 diabetes and proved to be a more effective way to burn fat and lost weight. Doing the Fit in 5 routines in the morning increase the bodies metabolism and improve the bodies ability to burn fat throughout the day. Running on a treadmill will burn fat, however, the lower intensity, which the body is working at, doesn’t have the metabolic benefits of short bursts of exercise. What happens is that when you have an intense burst of exercise you create an oxygen debt. To recover from this (during the rest period) the body will have to use energy. Therefore, you keep burning fat when you are resting. This also increases the body’s metabolism.

All exercising increases the levels of the hormone cortisol. What cortisol does in the body is to break down muscle and stall fat loss. Therefore, although you are burning energy, you aren’t necessarily losing a lot of fat. Unlike regular exercising, short bursts of exercise raise muscle-building hormones (anabolic) and human growth hormones resulting in more fat being burned that with regular exercising. Therefore, short bursts of exercise together with rest periods boost the body’s immunity, reduce inflammation, and stimulate fat burning properties.

Improves Heart Health

A study on teenagers in England found that short bursts of exercise could help reduce the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes in later life. It showed improvements in how the brain controls heartbeats and in the function of blood vessels. In adults, it was noted that heart structure was improved.

It can help with Type 2 Diabetes

Many studies now show that High-Intensity Interval Training helps type 2 diabetes suffers to control blood sugar more effectively than ‘traditional’ exercising. One study in Canada reported that participants who, over a three month period, we subject to HIIT regime showed a larger reduction in cholesterol and blood sugar levels, their heart health was better and in general lost more weigh.
It was also noted that it was easier for people to incorporate a high-intensity exercising schedule into their weekly routine and therefore were more willing to continue the exercise program.

Why Short Bursts Of Exercise Can Benefit Everyone

It seems from various studies that even shorter ‘burst exercise’ periods of under a minute or so can also have significant health benefits. This means that most people will be able fit HIIT into their schedule. For many it is also a more enjoyable form of exercise. Endurance exercise – running for half an hour or so on a treadmill can be physically and mentally draining for many. Others just don’t have the time to go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week.

Some have used the excuse that they’ve “no time for exercise.” Studies into the benefits of short bursts of exercise have shown they all find the time to keep themselves fit and healthy. Our team of trainers will motivate and walk you through through each workout. Download your favourite videos and keep our experts with you at all times. We are passionate about fitness. We are Fit Freaks! We strive to make the highest quality content. Our team of expert trainers are dedicated to helping you become your ideal self.