Emma Workout - 5 mins best workouts

Meet The Trainer

Emma, 41, only made fitness a priority in her life just a few years ago. Being a busy mum of 2 she started to feel exhausted all of the time & soon realized that working out would not only give her more energy, which would positively impact on those around her, but it would also make her feel so much stronger mentally. Emma found a passion in weight training and made working out a non-negotiable part of her day. She is so proud to show her children that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and work hard.

Emma Workout - 5 mins best workouts

Meet The Trainer

Emma, 41, only made fitness a priority in her life just a few years ago. Being a busy mum of 2 she started to feel exhausted all of the time & soon realized that working out would not only give her more energy, which would positively impact on those around her, but it would also make her feel so much stronger mentally. Emma found a passion in weight training and made working out a non-negotiable part of her day. She is so proud to show her children that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and work hard.

5 mins workout Rumble fit
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5 mins workout Rumble fit
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Rumble fit package prices


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₤14.99 a month
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Top tip as a parent, if you’re working out and your kids want to join in..... let them, encourage them, help them. Their beady eyes watch your every move, so if you’re turning up for yourself in front of them you are setting such an incredible example.

Emma rumble working out with son
Emma rumble working out with son

Top tip as a parent, if you’re working out and your kids want to join in..... let them, encourage them, help them. Their beady eyes watch your every move, so if you’re turning up for yourself in front of them you are setting such an incredible example.

Rumble fit - The perfect package for fitness - best 5 mins workout video
ONLY ₤14.99!
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